Continuous Training
Learning Modules:
Indoorwalking and Music
The freshness, continuity and beat of the music is critical. Learn how to select music for intervals paced from 40 to 100 steps per minute. This module teaches how to edit and mix class play lists using audio software.
Biomechanics of Grips and Positions
An instructor needs a foundational understanding of biomechanics to correct a user’s technique. This module teaches how to clearly and concisely explain all of the program movements and positions and avoid common mistakes.
The Cardiovascular Regimen
Indoorwalking is not just a new fitness program, it is a complete cardiovascular training regimen where each class interval is designed to isolate a muscle group. This module teaches how to sequence intervals to stay below the lactic threshold.
Class Design and Programming
Class design begins with the sequencing of intervals involving the selection of walking positions, overlaid with differing intensities and pacing. This module teaches how to design a class and position it within a program. All Classes should provide every attendee, from the unfit to the fittest athlete, with an ultimate workout.